grassroots vs non-profit

why we choose to be a grassroots collective

Why we choose to be a grassroots collective.

We’re a grassroots collective of queer, trans, BIPOC (& white), neurodivergent, disabled peers. In a world under capitalist consumption, the money we receive to do our peer work is just as political as the work itself. This means we collectively fund from community through mutual aid so that we don’t need to rely on government or state funding, or corporations with interests that don’t align with our purpose. As queer, trans, BIPOC  (& white), neurodivergent, & disabled peers, we know that our ability to do the work we do to protect ourselves & our communities is dependent on our autonomy.

*Used with permission @tenderfruitscollective

We’re depending on you.

We’ve distributed over $20,000 in community aid in 2023. We need your help to resource movements sustainably. We’re depending on you to make a long term commitment to Black, Indigenous and/or People of Color (BIPOC), queer and trans survivors of sexual and relationship violence needing us right now. What does this commitment look like? $10/month for 5 years = $600, $50/month for 5 years - $3000, and $500/month for 5 years = $30,000.

Show us that BIPOC, queer, and trans survivors matter to you everyday. We need new monthly donors. Our movement deserves sustainability. We can’t be community led if we’re not community backed.